What WOC2025 is about
All what you need to know about eventsIn August 2019, the IOF Council decided to award the 2025 World Orienteering Championships to Kuopio, Finland. The Finnish Orienteering Federation has given the responsibility for organizing the event to the club Kuopion Suunnistajat
The host city Kuopio is a Finnish municipality located in the region of Northern Savonia (Pohjois-Savo). It has a population of 120,248, which makes it the 8th most populous city in Finland and the most populous city in the Province of Eastern Finland. Kuopio is one of the major urban, economic, and cultural hubs of Eastern Finland. The Heart of our WOC2025 is the Tahko holiday and sports resort. Tahko is less than an hour’s drive away from Kuopio.
What to expect – Versatile orienteering both physically and orienteering wise. Terrains are close to the accommodations and the city. The most spectacular experience of the Finnish landscape are hills and lakes. The closeness to urban areas will provide the opportunity to have lots of spectators.
Road to WOC2025 The preparations for WOC2025 have already begun. In May 2022 we had national competition in the northern part of the Puijo area. The following summer, 2023, we will host Pre-WOC Middle (WRE) and the final event before WOC2025 will be the world cup in 2024.

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National competitions
